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2 Punch Program

The 2 Punch Program is an effective system used to kill and control fungus, algae, and bacteria on golf courses and turf.


The 2 Punch Program is an effective system used to kill and control fungus, algae, and bacteria on golf courses and turf.

1st Punch

Peroxy Punch is a versatile sanitizer and disinfectant with strong algaecidal/bactericidal/fungicidal properties. It utilizes Both H2O2 and C2H4O3 in a combination that is both effective and environmentally friendly.

Two powerful, active ingredients,  Peracetic Acid (C2H4O3) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) combine in Peroxy Punch to produce a synergistic and strengthened ability to eliminate and protect against fungus, algae, and bacteria when used on golf courses and nearly all types of turf.

Use this program to address destructive turf problems like:

  • Bermuda Grass Decline
  • Pythium
  • Rhizoctonia
  • Leaf Spot
  • Fairy Ring
  • Dollar Spot
  • Algae

2nd Punch

Growers’ Edge is a patent pending soil conditioner designed to enable the soil to uniformly retain water, making pesticides available in the critical root zone of the soil column and allowing for more efficient pesticide transport.

When used as the “Second Punch” in the 2 PUNCH PROGRAM, Growers Edge supports Peroxy Punch by assisting with absorption and concentrating the product around the root zone of turfgrass for better disease kill and control.

The 2 Punch Program is Extremely Effective Against:

  • Anthracnose
  • Brown Spot
  • Copper Spot
  • Pink Snow Mold
  • Phytophthora
  • Summer Patch
  • Scum, Fusarium
  • Blight
  • Stripe Smut
  • Slime Molds and their spores on greens, tees, fairways and nearly all turf
  • Helps support turf vitality in dry and high-stress periods

Growers Shield Pouch SDS
Peroxy Punch (5.9%) Booklet Label

2 Punch Program

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Innovative Solutions

We developed our own innovative solutions in-house with our own state of the art laboratory dedicated to water treatment applications.

Effective Water Delivery

We treats tens of thousands of acres of irrigated crops to maximize the effectiveness of water delivery for higher yields and lower maintenance costs.

Field Water Testing

We have added water-testing training and a custom developed kit for field water testing to provide our dealers with accurate scientific testing methods, taking the guesswork out.

About Us

Flo-Tec was founded in 1976 in Largo, FL as a manufacturer’s representative agency marketing chemical pumps and control systems throughout the state of Florida.

Flo-Tec treats tens of thousands of acres of irrigated citrus, fruit, vegetable, and nursery crops to maximize the effectiveness of water delivery for higher yields and lower maintenance costs.

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