LAST prevents mineral stains and scale buildup on your plants and containers improving appearance and sales potential
LAST prevents mineral stains and scale buildup on your plants and containers improving appearance and sales potential. It’s a safe chemical compound that effectively sequesters (chemically isolates), suspends and makes most mineral ions inactive in the irrigation water.
When minerals are left unsequestered they frequently cause discoloration and spotting of plants, shade cloth, and glass as well as plugging in irrigation pipes and emitters.
Adding LAST to your water, can save you the time and lost revenue associated with mineral scale buildup. While eliminating stains and scale buildup that can lower your plants’ value.
LAST can also improve plant yield by ensuring adequate flow and proper irrigation and fertilizer distribution.
LAST Features:
- It’s Economical – Because of the relatively low concentration requirement to treat most water problems, LAST will treat many more gallons/dollar than any other treatment method.
- It’s Uncomplicated – After the initial water testing and equipment installation are completed, all that remains for the operator to do is periodically replenish the LAST solution. REMOVE (Replenishment intervals can be set up to suit your specific needs)
- It’s Safe – LAST has proven to be safe for trees, plants equipment, and personnel.
- It’s Time Proven – Over 20 years of satisfied customers
FLO-TEC employs a scientific approach to the proper treatment of your specific irrigation requirements. In order to custom tailor a solution to your water delivery issues it’s important to test a sample of your water for content, minerals, and biologicals.
Take advantage of our service by calling us and requesting a FLO-TEC Water Sample Test kit. The results will enable us to provide the most efficient and cost-effective means to keep your lines, emitters, tape, and heads clean and functioning optimally … best for your crops and your bottom line!

Contact a FLO-TEC Representative
Innovative Solutions
We developed our own innovative solutions in-house with our own state of the art laboratory dedicated to water treatment applications.
Effective Water Delivery
We treats tens of thousands of acres of irrigated crops to maximize the effectiveness of water delivery for higher yields and lower maintenance costs.
Field Water Testing
We have added water-testing training and a custom developed kit for field water testing to provide our dealers with accurate scientific testing methods, taking the guesswork out.

About Us
Flo-Tec was founded in 1976 in Largo, FL as a manufacturer’s representative agency marketing chemical pumps and control systems throughout the state of Florida.
Flo-Tec treats tens of thousands of acres of irrigated citrus, fruit, vegetable, and nursery crops to maximize the effectiveness of water delivery for higher yields and lower maintenance costs.