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Peroxy Punch 15

PEROXY PUNCH 15™ is an all-encompassing broad-spectrum bactericide, fungicide and general sanitation product that has been engineered to assist the agricultural, nursery and turf industries in eliminating the troublesome problems that managers face.

Simple to use, it is very effective as a broad spectrum treatment for control of algae, fungi and bacteria on ag products and turf.


Truly versatile, PEROXY PUNCH 15™ is for use by fruit and vegetable growers, nursery and greenhouse operations and on all turf such as golf course fairways, greens and tees, as well as commercial turf farms, lawns  and athletic fields.

Use this product to control bacteria, algae and fungi such as:

  • Anthracnose
  • Brown Spot
  • Dollar Spot
  • Copper Spot
  • Fairy Ring
  • Pink Snow Mold
  • Pythium
  • Phytophthora
  • Summer Patch
  • Rhizoctonia
  • Scum
  • Take All Patch (Bermudagrass Decline)
  • Fusarium Blight
  • Stripe Smut
  • Leaf Spot
  • Algae
  • Slime Molds and their spores.

This product controls on contact.

PEROXY PUNCH 15™ is a novel two-stage bactericide/fungicide that is both effective and economically friendly. 


Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Peracetic Acid (C2H4O3) are the active ingredients in Peroxy Punch 15 and produces it’s ability to eliminate and protect against algae, bacteria and fungus.


This very effective mixture of peroxides produces an agressive combination that has stronger oxidation potential than either chlorine, chlorine dioxide or peroxide alone. At high concentrations, it has a strong pungent acetic acid odor.


The primary mode of action is oxidation. PEROXY PUNCH 15™ disinfects by oxidizing the outer cell membrane of vegetative bacterial cells, endospores, yeast, and mold spores. The mechanism of oxidation is the transfer of electrons.  The stronger the oxidizer, the faster the electrons are transferred and the faster the micro-organism is killed.


Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid provide the quick kill needed in food safety programs inforced by growers and packing houses. This mixture of both Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid is much more efficient than just Hydrogen Peroxide alone.


PEROXY PUNCH 15™ is EPA registered and OMRI Listed for use on vegetable, fruit crops, as well as packing houses for sanitation and pathogen control.   It can also be applied to plant stock as a preventative and curative to control disease outbreaks.
Peroxy Punch 15 Booklet Label


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Innovative Solutions

We developed our own innovative solutions in-house with our own state of the art laboratory dedicated to water treatment applications.

Effective Water Delivery

We treats tens of thousands of acres of irrigated crops to maximize the effectiveness of water delivery for higher yields and lower maintenance costs.

Field Water Testing

We have added water-testing training and a custom developed kit for field water testing to provide our dealers with accurate scientific testing methods, taking the guesswork out.

About Us

Flo-Tec was founded in 1976 in Largo, FL as a manufacturer’s representative agency marketing chemical pumps and control systems throughout the state of Florida.

Flo-Tec treats tens of thousands of acres of irrigated citrus, fruit, vegetable, and nursery crops to maximize the effectiveness of water delivery for higher yields and lower maintenance costs.

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