Showing 10–18 of 32 results
LAST prevents mineral stains and scale buildup on your plants and containers improving appearance and sales potential
Magic Kleen
Magic Kleen is a foliage cleaner concentrate that removes mineral and fertilizer spotting from plants
Matrix Plus: Standard in Irrigation Line Cleaners
Matrix Plus is the standard in irrigation line cleaners used for the prevention & control of common causes for plugging in low flow irrigation systems, drip tape, and drip lines
Matrix2: Controls Biological Plugging in Irrigation Systems
Control plugging in low volume irrigation systems
Micro Clean: Irrigation Line Maintenance and Crop Enhancement
Your “multi-purpose” resource for irrigation line maintenance and crop enhancement.
NIC is a cost-effective solution to mineral staining and plugging, as well as other common fouling which cause line and emitter blockage
NIC-6 is a cost-effective solution to mineral staining and plugging, as well as other common fouling that cause line and emitter restriction
Nurserymen’s Pride
Developed for the nursery and interiorscape industries, Nurserymen’s Pride is a foliage cleaner and enhancer. The product is used to remove chemical residue and dirt that detracts from the plants natural shine.
Orchid Kleen
Orchid Kleen was specially developed for the Orchid market. Formulated as a cleaner and enhancer for orchids, it removes chemical and dirt staining from the plants’ foliage. It repels normal airborne dust particles to maintain and protect the natural appearance and value of the plant.